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Pressure Washing vs. Soft Washing: Pros And Cons

Are you looking for a new way to wash your home?

Pressure washing and soft washing are two very different cleaning methods. While commonly used interchangeably, the differences between the two are pretty significant.

Soft washing is a gentler technique that utilizes a low-pressure setting to gently remove dirt and grime from surfaces, while pressure washing blasts away dirt with high water pressure.

This article will detail the benefits of pressure washing and soft washing, as well as provide helpful tips for determining which method is best to use.

Pressure Washing

First, let’s discuss pressure washing.

What is pressure washing?

Pressure washing uses a high-pressure spray to blast dirt off of surfaces. The pressure used in this technique is typically much more substantial than what can be done with soft washing, making it the perfect choice for homes covered in tough stains or paint.

The downside to using pressure washers is that they tend to cause damage to surfaces that are too delicate.

In addition, the high pressure of the water spray can cause damage to surfaces you don’t intend for it to reach, such as brick or stone surfaces.

Pros of pressure washing:

  • very powerful cleaning ability that can blast away tough stains
  • use of a pressure washer is most effective when homes have been overrun with dirt and grime

Cons of pressure washing :

  • can cause damage to surfaces that are too delicate  such as brick or stone
  • if used on painted or stained surfaces, it will strip paint and can potentially damage the surface itself.

Soft Washing

Next, let’s talk about soft washing.

What is soft washing?

Soft washing uses a low-pressure water stream to blast away loose dirt without any of the damage caused by pressure washing.

Typically, soft washing uses the same nozzle as pressure washers use to blast water at high pressures. However, soft washing does not typically result in any damage to delicate surfaces that pressure washers can cause such as brick or stone.

In addition, soft washing can gently remove dirt and grime from painted and stained surfaces without stripping paint or causing damage.

Pros of soft washing:

  • a gentle method of washing surfaces like wood trim and railings, which pressure washers can damage
  • very helpful for cleaning stained or painted surfaces without causing damage to the surface itself

Cons of soft washing:

  • Can only remove loose dirt as opposed to thoroughly removing tough stains as pressure washers do.
  • If you have surfaces that are difficult to reach with soft washing, then pressure washing may be the better option.

When it comes down to it, both soft washing and pressure washing come with their own set of pros and cons.

So, pressure washing is best for removing tough stains, and soft washing provides a gentler alternative to pressure washers?

Not so fast!

It’s not quite that simple.

The most important thing to remember is that high-pressure water spray can cause damage.

So how do I decide what method is best for my home?

While both methods have their pros and cons, the best way to decide which method is right for you is by considering your specific needs.

If your goal is to simply wash away loose dirt and grime, go with soft washing.

If your home is covered in tough stains or heavy paint, pressure washing will be the better option.

It’s also important to note that while soft washing can’t remove tough stains as pressure washers do, you should choose soft washing over high-pressure water spray if you’d prefer a less abrasive method of cleaning your surfaces.

The best way to determine the method that is right for your home is by considering your needs.

If you are debating whether to go with soft washing or pressure washing, we hope our blog post has helped make your decision easier.

Are you looking for a new way to clean your home?

Soft washing is the gentler alternative to pressure washers. Soft washing uses low-pressure water streams that blast away dirt and grime without causing any damage to delicate surfaces such as brick or stone. It can also gently remove dirt and grime from painted and stained surfaces without stripping paint or damaging the surface itself.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you clean your home or visit our services page to learn more.